Difference between revisions of "Module:Documentation"

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(FnControlOption changed the content model of the page Module:Documentation from "Scribunto" to "plain text")
Tag: content model change
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:43, 7 June 2022

local p = {} local HtmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder') local getLanguageCode = require('Module:Languages').getLanguageCode local makeInvokeFunc = require('Module:Arguments').makeInvokeFunc function p._main(frame, args) local headingParam = args['heading'] local contentParam = args['content'] local linkBoxParam = args['link box'] local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local docPageName = args[1] if not docPageName then local currentLangCode = getLanguageCode(currentTitle) local pageName = args['page'] if pageName then if currentLangCode == 'en' then docPageName = pageName .. '/doc' else docPageName = pageName .. '/doc/' .. currentLangCode end else if currentLangCode == 'en' then docPageName = currentTitle.fullText .. '/doc' else local namespace = currentTitle.nsText local basePageName = currentTitle.baseText docPageName = namespace .. ':' .. basePageName .. '/doc/' .. currentLangCode end end end local docPageTitle = mw.title.new(docPageName) local root = HtmlBuilder.create() local startBox = root:tag('div') startBox:cssText('clear: both; margin: 1em 0 0 0; border: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #ecfcf4; padding: 12px') -- Add heading if non-empty if headingParam ~= '' then local headingDiv = startBox:tag('div') headingDiv:cssText('padding-bottom: 3px; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; margin-bottom: 1ex') local headingSpan = headingDiv:tag('span') headingSpan:cssText('font-weight: bold; font-size: 125%') if headingParam then headingSpan:wikitext(headingParam) else headingSpan:wikitext('[[File:Documentation icon.png|50px|link=]] ' .. args['default-heading']) end -- Add action links if doc is not on template page if not contentParam then local actionsSpan = headingDiv:tag('span') actionsSpan:addClass('plainlinks') actionsSpan:cssText('font-size: small; font-weight: 400; margin-left: 1em; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1em; display: inline-block') local function escapeBrackets(s) -- Replace brackets with HTML entities s = s:gsub('%[', '[') s = s:gsub('%]', ']') return s end if docPageTitle.exists then format = '[%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]' local viewLink = '[[:' .. docPageName .. '|' .. args['view-link-display'] .. ']]' local editLink = '[' .. docPageTitle:fullUrl{action = 'edit'} .. ' ' .. args['edit-link-display'] .. ']' local historyLink = '[' .. docPageTitle:fullUrl{action = 'history'} .. ' ' .. args['history-link-display'] .. ']' local purgeLink = '[' .. currentTitle:fullUrl{action = 'purge'} .. ' ' .. args['purge-link-display'] .. ']' actionsSpan:wikitext(mw.ustring.format(escapeBrackets('[%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]'), viewLink, editLink, historyLink, purgeLink)) else local createLink = '[' .. docPageTitle:fullUrl{action = 'edit'} .. ' ' .. args['create-link-display'] .. ']' actionsSpan:wikitext(mw.ustring.format(escapeBrackets('[%s]'), createLink)) end end end -- Transclude doc contents local content = contentParam if not content and docPageTitle.exists then content = frame:expandTemplate{title = ':' .. docPageName} end if content then -- Add line breaks so headings at start and end are interpreted correctly startBox:wikitext('\n' .. content .. '\n') end -- Prevent floating items from sticking out of doc box local clear = startBox:tag('div') clear:css('clear', 'both') if not contentParam and linkBoxParam ~= 'off' and docPageTitle.exists then local endBox = root:tag('div') endBox:addClass('plainlinks') endBox:cssText('clear: both; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #aaa; margin: .2em 0; background-color: #ecfcf4') local endBoxNode = endBox:tag('div') endBoxNode:cssText('border: none; width: 100%; padding: .25em .9em; font-style: italic') if linkBoxParam then endBoxNode:wikitext(linkBoxParam) else endBoxNode:wikitext(mw.ustring.format(args['transcluded-from-blurb'], '[[:' .. docPageName .. '|' .. docPageName .. ']]'), ' ') local editUrl = docPageTitle:fullUrl{action = 'edit'} local historyUrl = docPageTitle:fullUrl{action = 'history'} local actionsNode = endBoxNode:tag('small') actionsNode:cssText('font-style: normal') actionsNode:wikitext('([', editUrl, ' ' .. args['edit-link-display'] .. '] | [', historyUrl, ' ' .. args['history-link-display'] .. '])') end end return tostring(root) end p.main = makeInvokeFunc(p._main, {passFrameParam = true, inherited = true}) return p