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Revision as of 17:38, 7 June 2022

--[[ libraryUtil, modified for the Minetest Wiki. Code released under the GPL v2+ as per: https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-Scribunto/blob/7d676c3/COPYING @license GNU GPL v2+ @author Brad Jorsch < bjorsch@wikimedia.org > @author "Mr. Stradivarius" < misterstrad@gmail.com > @author MrIbby < siribby@outlook.com > ]] local LibraryUtil = {} function LibraryUtil.checkType( name, argIdx, arg, expectType, nilOk ) if arg == nil and nilOk then return end if type( arg ) ~= expectType then local msg = string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)", argIdx, name, expectType, type( arg ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end end function LibraryUtil.checkTypeMulti( name, argIdx, arg, expectTypes ) local argType = type( arg ) for _, expectType in ipairs( expectTypes ) do if argType == expectType then return end end local n = #expectTypes local typeList if n > 1 then typeList = table.concat( expectTypes, ', ', 1, n - 1 ) .. ' or ' .. expectTypes[n] else typeList = expectTypes[1] end local msg = string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)", argIdx, name, typeList, type( arg ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end function LibraryUtil.checkTypeForIndex( index, value, expectType ) if type( value ) ~= expectType then local msg = string.format( "value for index '%s' must be %s, %s given", index, expectType, type( value ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end end function LibraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg( name, argName, arg, expectType, nilOk ) if arg == nil and nilOk then return end if type( arg ) ~= expectType then local msg = string.format( "bad named argument %s to '%s' (%s expected, got %s)", argName, name, expectType, type( arg ) ) error( msg, 3 ) end end function LibraryUtil.makeCheckSelfFunction( libraryName, varName, selfObj, selfObjDesc ) return function ( self, method ) if self ~= selfObj then error( string.format( "%s: invalid %s. Did you call %s with a dot instead of a colon, i.e. " .. "%s.%s() instead of %s:%s()?", libraryName, selfObjDesc, method, varName, method, varName, method ), 3 ) end end end return LibraryUtil