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This shall be my sandbox

folder structure playtree

Folder structure examples

based on the run-in-place builts for Windows

  • File structure as installed by minetest-0.4.9-65d1cb8 compiled by sfan5 (2014-03-30)
├── bin/
├── builtin/
├── client/
│   ├── serverlist/
│   └── shaders/
│       ├── alpha_shader/
│       ├── leaves_shader/
│       ├── liquids_shader/
│       ├── plants_shader/
│       └── solids_shader/
├── doc/
├── fonts/
├── games/
│   ├── minetest_game/
│   └── minimal/
├── locale/ 
│   └── (lots of language folders)
├── mods/ 
├── testsounds/
└── textures/
    └── base/
        └── pack/

  • File structure with the folders Minetest adds after some usage as client and server, as well as the positions (...) that costum made content goes.
├── bin/
├── builtin/
├── cache/
│   ├── media/
│   └── tmp/
├── client/
│   ├── serverlist/
│   └── shaders/
│       ├── alpha_shader/
│       ├── leaves_shader/
│       ├── liquids_shader/
│       ├── plants_shader/
│       └── solids_shader/
├── doc/
├── fonts/
├── games/
│   ├── minetest_game/
│   ├── minimal/
│   └── ... (installed extra games)
├── locale/ (lots of language folders)
├── mods/
│   └── ... (installed extra mods and modpacks)
├── testsounds/ (soundpack folder)
├── textures/
│   ├── base/
│   │   └── pack/
│   └── ... (installed extra texturepacks)
└── worlds/
    └── ... (saved worlds. Some with exclusive world mods)

  • Folder structure with extra folders for screenshots and minetest-mapper
├── bin/
├── builtin/
├── cache/
│   ├── media/
│   └── tmp/
├── client/
│   ├── serverlist/
│   └── shaders/
│       ├── alpha_shader/
│       ├── leaves_shader/
│       ├── liquids_shader/
│       ├── plants_shader/
│       └── solids_shader/
├── doc/
├── fonts/
├── games/
│   ├── minetest_game/
│   ├── minimal/
│   └── ... (installed extra games)
├── locale/ (lots of language folders)
├── mods/
│   └── ... (installed extra mods and modpacks)
├── screenshots/
├── testsounds/ (soundpack folder)
├── textures/
│   ├── base/
│   │   └── pack/
│   └── ... (installed extra texturepacks)
├── util/
│   └── mapper/
└── worlds/
    └── ... (saved worlds. Some with exclusive world mods)

Details of file structures within a mod

In this example the mods "carts" and "tnt" are installed:

    ├── carts/
    │   ├── depends.txt
    │   ├── init.lua
    │   ├── functions.lua
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── textures/
    │   │   ├── carts_top.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── models/
    │       ├── cart.x
    │       └── ...
    ├── tnt/
    │   ├── init.lua
    │   ├── depends.txt
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── textures/
    │   │   ├── tnt_side.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── sounds/
    │       ├── tnt_explode.ogg
    │       └── ...
    └── modname/
        ├── bower.json (used by the Minetest-Bower project)
        ├── init.lua
        ├── depends.txt
        ├── description.txt 
        ├── mod.conf
        ├── README.txt or
        ├── screenshot.png
        ├── textures/
        │   ├── modname_stuff.png
        │   ├── modname_something_else.png
        │   └── ...
        ├── sounds/
        │   ├── some_sound.ogg
        │   └── ...
        ├── media/
        │   ├── some_media
        │   └── ...
        ├── models/
        │   ├── some_model.x
        │   └── ...
        └── <custom data>/
            ├── some_data
            └── ...

Details of file structures within a game

This example has the default games "minetest_game" and "minimal" installed and shows a possible structure of an own game in "my_game":

    ├── minetest_game/
    │   ├── game.conf
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── menu/
    │   │   ├── header.png
    │   │   └── icon.png
    │   └── mods/
    │       ├── some mod
    │       ├── some other mod 
    │       └── ...
    ├── minimal/
    │   ├── game.conf
    │   ├── menu/
    │   │   ├── background.png
    │   │   ├── icon.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── mods/
    │       ├── some mod
    │       ├── some other mod
    │       └── ...
    ├── my_game/
    │   ├── game.conf
    │   ├── minetest.conf
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── license.txt
    │   ├── menu/
    │   │   ├── background.png
    │   │   ├── footer.png
    │   │   ├── header.png
    │   │   ├── icon.png
    │   │   ├── overlay.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── mods/
    │       ├── license.txt
    │       ├── some mod
    │       ├── some other mod
    │       └── ...
    └── some more games

Details of file structures within a world

This commented example shows the location and structure of a world called "someworld":

    ├── bin/ (contains the executable program file)
    ├── builtin/
    ├── cache/
    ├── client/
    ├── doc/
    ├── fonts/
    ├── games/  (collection of mods tweacked or designed to work well together)
    │   ├── minetest_game/
    │   ├── minimal/
    │   └── … (installed extra games)
    ├── locale/ (language files)
    ├── mods/
    │   └── … (installed extra mods and modpacks)
    ├── textures/
    │   ├── base/
    │   │   └── pack/
    │   └── … (installed extra texturepacks)
    ├── worlds/   (this folder will be created when the first local/singleplayer world is created
    │   ├── someworld  (the name given to the world by the user when it is created)
    │   │   ├── players/     (ingame data for each player)
    │   │   ├── worldmods/   (create this folder for world exclusive mods)
    │   │   ├── auth.txt     (player login data)
    │   │   ├── env_meta.txt (contains mostly time related information)
    │   │   ├── map.sqlite   (database containing the map. The name may differ depending on backend used)
    │   │   ├── map_meta.txt (defines which mapgen is used and how)
    │   │   └──     (should at least contain the subgame-id without which the world 
    │   │                     will not show up in the singleplayer tab)
    │   └── … (more saved worlds. Some with exclusive world mods)
    ├── minetest.conf   (will be created with first start of Minetest)
    └── minetest.conf.example   (a list of all possible settings)

Folder structure according to CMakeLists.txt

based on the building scripts in CMakeLists.txt on github

DirVariable WIN32 APPLE UNIX/Linux/BSD RUN_IN_PLACE UNIX/Linux/BSD Description
SHAREDIR . ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/${PROJECT_NAME} . ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/${PROJECT_NAME} Directory to install data files into
BINDIR bin bin bin ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin Directory to install binaries into
DOCDIR doc share/doc/${PROJECT_NAME} doc ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/${PROJECT_NAME} Directory to install documentation into
EXAMPLE_CONF_DIR . ${DOCDIR} . ${DOCDIR} Directory to install example config file into
MANDIR unix/man ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/man Directory to install manpages into
XDG_APPS_DIR unix/applications ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/applications Directory to install .desktop files into
ICONDIR unix/icons ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/icons Directory to install icons into
LOCALEDIR locale locale locale ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/locale Directory to install l10n files into

Category tree (as of early 2014)

Alphabet Blocks

for Apple

  • ~/Library/Application Support/minetest/mods/
  • ~/Library/Application Support/minetest/games/
  • ~/Library/Application Support/minetest/worlds/


Links to archived old Minetest related sites and files

name stable version mapversion release
Minetest-c55 0.1.0 - -
- 0.2.0 sqlite 22.09.2011
- 0.3.0 17 01.11.2011
- 0.3.1 17+ 09.11.2011
- 0.4.0 23 -
Minetest-c55 0.4.4 23 04.12.2012
Minetest-c55 0.4.4-d1 24 02.01.2013
Minetest 0.4.5 03.04.2013
Minetest 0.4.6 - 03.04.2013
Minetest 0.4.7 - 06.06.2013
Minetest 0.4.8 - 24.11.2013
Minetest 0.4.9 - 01.01.2014
Minetest 0.4.10 - 06.07.2014
Minetest 0.4.11 24 24.12.2014
Minetest 0.4.12 24 18.02.2015
Minetest 0.4.13 25 20.08.2015
Minetest 0.4.14 - 15.05.2016
Minetest 0.4.15 - 22.12.2016
Minetest 0.4.16 27 03.06.2017
Minetest 0.4.17 - 03.06.2018
Minetest - 10.06.2018
Minetest 5.0.0 - 2019


limit to the number of nodes types loaded = 32766 (as said on irc )
