From Minetest Wiki
Revision as of 18:08, 4 August 2013 by Casimir (talk | contribs)
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Where can I ask questions?

In IRC and the Forum. It is recommended to search the archives, most questions where probably answered before.

How to install mods and texture packs?

See Installing Mods and Texture Packs.

What are the different game modes. How do I install them?

On a new install you should have "Minetest [minetest_game]" that is the main game, if you don't have it download it form github. "Minimal development test" is just for Developers and is not intended to be playable. You can find several other game modes in the forum. To install them extract the pack and rename the folder to the name of the game (e.g. minetest_game-master to minetest_game), then copy the folder to the games folder.


How to find my House?

Minetest automatically generates a debug.txt in minetest/bin where you can see lots of text. Scroll down to its end and look for something like singleplayer digs node * (...) Try to teleport to the positions you see in these lines until you find your home: /teleport x,y,z

How to craft XYZ?

See Crafting. Or install a craft guide.

Are there any mobs?

No. Is is unlikely that they get added in the near future. But there are mods to add mobs.

I can't find any dungeons/jungles.

They are disabled by default. You can enable them by adding "v6_jungles, dungeons" to mg_flags in you minetest.conf. That will enable them for new worlds.

How do I update Minetest?

Easiest way is just to download the newest version and move your worlds and mods to the new version. Depending on you operating system there are other ways too.

For Minecrafters

Is there a crafting bench?

No. You already have a 3x3 crafting grid in you inventory. But there are mods that add a crafting bench.

How can I make Minetest be like Minecraft?

You can use the Minitest game.

Bugs and Problems

There is a FAQ for bugs in the forum.