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Wooden Hoe.png
Steel Hoe.png
An item in Minetest Game
Item Type Tool
Renewable Wood: Yes
Stone: Yes
Steel: No
Durability See table
Stackable No
Itemstring See table

Hoes are tools which can be used to till Dirt, Savanna Dirt and Desert Sand to create Soil, Savanna Soil or Desert Sand Soil. Soil is neccessary to be able to plant seeds.


Hoes are used by pointing the block which should be cultivated and pressing the attack key (left mouse button by default).

The following blocks can be cultivated:

Used on … Result
Dirt.png Dirt

Dirt with Grass.png Dirt with Grass
Dirt with Rainforest Litter.png Dirt with Rainforest Litter
Dirt with Coniferous Litter.png Dirt with Coniferous Litter
Dirt with Dry Grass.png Dirt with Savanna Grass

Soil.png Soil
Dry Dirt.png Savanna Dirt

Dry Dirt with Dry Grass.png Savanna Dirt with Savanna Grass

Dry Soil.png Savanna Soil
Desert Sand.png Desert Sand
Desert Sand Soil.png Desert Sand Soil

See the respective soil pages to learn more about growing seeds.

Hoe types

There are several different hoes, crafted from sticks and another material. The hoe types only differ in the number of uses before they break.

Tool Uses Itemstring
Wooden Hoe.png Wooden Hoe 30 farming:hoe_wood
Stonehoe.png Stone Hoe 90 farming:hoe_stone
Steel Hoe.png Steel Hoe 500 farming:hoe_steel


Name Ingredients Input → Output Notes
Hoe some wood
or some stone
or Steel Ingots + Sticks
Group wood.png
Group stone.png
Steel Ingot.png
Group wood.png
Group stone.png
Steel Ingot.png
Wooden Hoe.png
Steel Hoe.png
Hoe 2 damaged Hoes
Wooden Hoe.png
Steel Hoe.png
Wooden Hoe.png
Steel Hoe.png
Wooden Hoe.png
Steel Hoe.png
The resulting hoe will be repaired. Shapeless recipe.

Old hoes

As of version 5.0.0, there are 3 additional hoes available but they can no longer be crafted (like in previous versions) or gotten from the creative inventory. It's planned to remove them from Minetest Game eventually.

Tool Uses Itemstring
Bronze Hoe.png Bronze Hoe 220 farming:hoe_bronze
Mese Hoe.png Mese Hoe 350 farming:hoe_mese
Diamond Hoe.png Diamond Hoe 500 farming:hoe_diamond


See also

Items in Minetest Game
Tools and weapons Steel Axe.png AxeBinoculars.png BinocularsBook.png Book (Book with Text.png with Text) • Bucket.png BucketBug Net.png Bug NetFlint and Steel.png Flint and SteelSteel Hoe.png HoeKey.png KeyMapping Kit.png Mapping KitSteel Pickaxe.png PickaxeScrewdriver.png ScrewdriverSteel Shovel.png ShovelSkeleton Key.png Skeleton KeySteel Sword.png SwordTorch.png Torch
Vehicles Boat.png BoatCart.png Cart
Food Apple.png AppleBlueberries.png BlueberriesBread.png BreadBrown Mushroom.png Brown Mushroom
Ores and minerals Clay Lump.png Clay LumpCoal.png Coal LumpCopper Lump.png Copper LumpDiamond.png DiamondGold Lump.png Gold LumpIron Lump.png Iron LumpMese Crystal.png Mese CrystalTin Lump.png Tin Lump
Ingots and processed minerals Bronze Ingot.png Bronze IngotClay Brick.png Clay BrickCopper Ingot.png Copper IngotGold Ingot.png Gold IngotMese Crystal Fragment.png Mese Crystal FragmentObsidian Shard.png Obsidian ShardSteel Ingot.png Steel IngotTin Ingot.png Tin Ingot
Dyes Black dye.png Black dyeBlue dye.png Blue dyeBrown dye.png Brown dyeCyan dye.png Cyan dyeDark green dye.png Dark green dyeDark grey dye.png Dark grey dyeGreen dye.png Green dyeGrey dye.png Grey dyeMagenta dye.png Magenta dyeOrange dye.png Orange dyePink dye.png Pink dyeRed dye.png Red dyeViolet dye.png Violet dyeWhite dye.png White dyeYellow dye.png Yellow dye
Other crafting elements Cotton.png CottonFlint.png FlintFlour.png FlourGlass Fragments.png Glass FragmentsGun Powder.png Gun PowderPaper.png PaperStick.png StickString.png StringTNT Stick.png TNT StickWheat.png Wheat